One of the most sought-after bags from the house of Chanel, The Chanel Boy Bag was only introduced in 2011, but quickly became one of the true iconic bags of the French fashion house. The bag is designed by Karl Lagerfeld and is inspired by a cartridge bag, which is made for hunters.
Crafted from leather the bag features the brand’s iconic ‘CC’ logo at its front. Its fabric lined interior has plenty of space to carry all your essentials and more. This bold piece of couture from Chanel will leave no doubt in the minds of onlookers of your style and elegance.
17.5 × 28 × 7.5 cm
Hardware: Black Silver Tone
Includes: Authenticity Card
Year: 2015
Code: 20*****
Condition: Light rubs and scratches on leather but all in all Great Condition.