The story begins with a small boutique in the heart of Rome, created in 1925 by Adele and Edoardo Fendi, and continues with successful collections and collaborations that will indelibly mark the world fashion landscape.
This White Tote shopping bag, born in 1925 SELLERIA is one of The Brand Prestige Creation HandMade. Characterized by a carry-all and timeless functionality, it represents a perfect combination of practicality and refinement in detail.
Made of frozen white garnet leather.
Equipped with an internal compartment lined with leather selleria Metal stamp, zip pocket and two small slip on pocket on both sides. Accessories with a metal gold finish.
It can be carried by hand or on the shoulder thanks to the handles, finished with hand-made saddle stitching in contrasting color.
Italian products
Height : 28 cm
Depth : 14 cm
Width : 35 cm
handle drop : 26cm
condition : excellent